Tools & Resources
Blogs & Journals
Tools & Resources
Ask a Linguist: Linguist List feature inviting any member of the public to ask professional linguists any question about language or linguistics
Basic Oral Language Documentation (BOLD): language documentation method being pioneered in Papua New Guinea and designed to be done rapidly, with little training, by speakers themselves
Fieldwork tools: questionnaires, tests, and stimuli from the Max Planck Institute, helping linguists reveal and describe grammar during language fieldwork
Language Documentation – academic papers: bibliography from Peter Austin of the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project, covering theory, practice, ethics, collaboration, archiving and more for linguists
Languages in Danger: interactive maps, teaching materials, and a “Book of Knowledge” on all things endangered language-related (in English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, and Polish)
Linguist List: essential website, listserv, and clearinghouse for linguists and anyone interested in linguistics around the world, with frequent resources and announcements pertaining to endangered languages
Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages: digital archive with hundreds of materials, primarily educational books, in 25 Aboriginal languages from Australia’s Northern Territory
Online Resources for Endangered Languages: extensive collection of links curated by the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project in London
Our Language: collection of language revitalization resources, focused on Native American languages
Our Mother Tongues: website focused on Native American languages, featuring a language map, recordings in 12 languages, a blog on language issues in Indian Country, and footage from Anne Makepeace’s documentary We Still Live Here – Âs Nutayuneân, the story of the revitalization of the Wampanoag language which aired on “Independent Lens”
UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger: online map with advanced search capabilities and mechanisms for public input, showing the global distribution of endangered languages
World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS): large linguistic database that gathers and maps many phonological, grammatical, and lexical properties of the world’s languages, from a global, typological perspective
Blogs & Journals
Babel: new magazine all about languages and linguistics
EL Publishing: publishing outlet for free, peer-reviewed journals, multimedia, and monographs on endangered languages
Endangered Languages and Cultures blog: multi-authored blog associated with the PARADISEC archive in Australia [Link: Organizations > Archives TK] mostly by and for linguists, anthropologists, and musicologists involved with endangered language work
Language Documentation & Conservation: free, peer-reviewed online journal of academic papers related to language documentation and revitalization, including reviews of relevant books, software, and equipment
Language Documentation and Description: print, peer-reviewed academic journal of the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project, publishing papers on the theory and practice of endangered language documentation
Language Hat: long-running blog covering lesser-known languages and linguistic curiosities
Lexicon Valley: popular blog on all things language-related, published multiple times a week by Slate
News from Native California: quarterly magazine focused on the languages, cultures, arts, stories, and movements of California’s Native peoples
Omniglot: language encyclopedia and blog, with a focus on the different writing systems of the world, many themselves endangered
Schwa Fire: long-form journalism about language and life, covering all aspects of speech, language, and communication for a general audience
Several books about the endangered language crisis have recently been written for a general audience. Two of the authors, Nick Evans and David Crystal, are interviewed in Language Matters:
Dying Words: Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us. By Nicholas Evans (2010)
Language Death. By David Crystal (2000)
Language in Danger. By Andrew Dalby (2003)
On the Death and Life of Language. By Claude Hagège (2009)
One Thousand Languages: Living, Endangered and Lost. By Peter Austin (2008)
Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages. By Mark Abley (2003)
The Last Speakers: The Quest to Save the World’s Most Endangered Languages. by K. David Harrison (2010)
Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages. By Guy Deutscher (2010)
Vanishing Voices: the Extinction of the World’s Languages. By Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine (2000)
When Languages Die. By K. David Harrison (2007)
Key guides for individuals and communities working on language revitalization include:
Bringing Our Languages Home: Language Revitalization for Families. Edited by Leanne Hinton (2013)
Can Threatened Languages Be Saved? Reversing Language Shift, Revisited: A 21st Century Perspective. Edited by Joshua Fishman (2001)
How to Keep Your Language Alive: A Commonsense Approach to One-on-One Language Learning. By Leanne Hinton with Matt Vera and Nancy Steele (2002)
Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization. By Tasaku Tsunoda (2006)
Revitalizing Indigenous Languages (full text free online). Edited by Jon Reyhner (1999)
Saving Languages: An Introduction to Language Revitalization. by Lenore A. Grenoble and Lindsay J. Whaley (2006)
Teaching Indigenous Languages (full text free online). Edited by Jon Reyhner (1997)
The Green Book of Language Revitalization in Practice. By Kenneth Hale and Leanne Hinton (2001)
The following books are geared towards linguists interested in the theory and practice of language documentation:
Documenting Endangered Languages: Achievements and Perspectives. Edited by Geoffrey Haig, Nicole Nau, Stefan Schnell, Claudia Wegener (2011)
Essentials of Language Documentation. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (full text free online) Edited by Jost Gippert, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Ulrike Mosel (2006)
Field Linguistics: a Beginner’s Guide. By Terry Crowley (2007)
Language Diversity Endangered. Edited by Matthias Brenzinger (2007)
Language Documentation: Practice and Values. Edited by Lenore Grenoble and N. Louanna Furbee (2010)
Linguistic Fieldwork: a Practical Guide. By Claire Bowern (2008)
The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages. Edited by Peter K. Austin and Julia Sallabank (2011)
Films that have covered endangered languages include The Linguists (2008), In Languages We Live (2005), Men of Words (2010), and Bob Holman’s previous films on endangered languages and poetry traditions.
CoLang Institute for Collaborative Language Research: field methods training workshop, recently held every two years in North America, pairing linguists and language activists
Endangered Languages listserv: forum for linguists with announcements or questions on endangered language issues
Gwybodiadur: directory of information on Welsh-language resources
Indigenous Languages and Technology listserv: discussion forum for activists, teachers, linguists, and others to discuss the intersection of language revitalization and technology
Indigenous Tweets: project tracking and analyzing the increasing use of indigenous languages on Twitter and other social media sites
Isuma: indigenous online television from the First Nations of Canada, now providing access to 5000 films in over 50 languages
Khonsay: A Poem of Many Tongues: Text and video of a poem where each line is from a different endangered or minority language, created by Bob Holman and Steve Zeitlin of City Lore, the urban folklore center in New York.
Kualono: Hawaiian language studies guide from the University of Hawaiʻi Hilo’s College of Hawaiian Language, Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani
Language Keepers: project combining linguistics, documentary video, and community outreach to address language endangerment and the decline of public speaking in particular, piloted with the Passamaquoddy and Maliseet people of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick, Canada.
Mawng Dictionary Project(at the Endangered Languages Archive): browsable but restricted access recordings from the most commonly used Aboriginal language on Goulburn Island, Australia, shown in Language Matters
Say No More (New York Times, 2004): feature article on the last six speakers of Kawesqar on a remote island in Patagonia, southern Chile
Who Speaks Wukchumni? (New York Times, 2014): short documentary on last Wukchumni speaker Marie Wilcox, who is tirelessly editing a dictionary of the language